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Data sharing & project security
Tato can be added to calls, chats, emails, documents, and project management applications.
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We are always working to grow the list of supported integrations. Even if an integration is not supported today, you can add Tato to the interaction so that Tato will have access when the integration becomes available.
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Add Tato to meetings by inviting [email protected] to a calendar invite. Forgot to invite Tato? Add them during a call just like another team member.
Tato is just like any other team member. It has an email address ([email protected]) and it can only access the data that this email address is given access to. If you don’t see Tato on a call, it is not listening. If you don’t see Tato on a chat, it cannot read it. The same concept applies to every type of interaction.
When you add Tato to a meeting, the Tato agent joins the lobby and must be admitted to the call by a human. Once admitted, the Tato agent will give a visual queue to inform participants that the call is being recorded.
In some cases, two companies (company 1 & company 2) will work together on a project, and both of these companies may be Tato customers and therefore have their own agents ([email protected] & [email protected]). In calls, you’ll be able to see the Tato agent’s email address. After the call, each Tato agent will push the data to their respective company tenants.
If you are ever requesting to join, and have interacted with other company’s Tato agents, you might see many agents in your dropdown. Other company agents will say “Tato Assistant (external)” where-as your Tato will not have the “(external)” tag at the end. You should choose the internal Tato Assistant (the one with the the external tag at the end). To be extra sure, you can type out the full email ([email protected]).
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