

Adding Tato

Viewing your data

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View your data on Tato

Tato offers different views to help you consume project data efficiently.


Snippets are presented as short text paired with additional data points like date, source and status. Snippets is the most granular data view available on the Tato platform. They are extracted directly from the interactions and are exposed on the interface.

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Snippets are also used as the source of truth to generate every other view available in Tato


Here, we see a snippet example:


Activity feed

The activity feed is where you can see all of the interactions that you have access to. You can see the feed cross-project or directly on a project. The activity feed can be searched and filtered to find and interact with specific interactions.

<aside> <img src="notion://custom_emoji/73b473c9-9304-4189-b3bb-9695ac1713e9/1436baa9-b63a-8058-aaf1-007a93141e6a" alt="notion://custom_emoji/73b473c9-9304-4189-b3bb-9695ac1713e9/1436baa9-b63a-8058-aaf1-007a93141e6a" width="40px" />

Some interactions are pushed to the timeline in real time and some are pulled on a schedule, refer to integrations for details.


Here, we see the cross-project activity feed:

CleanShot 2024-11-20 at 16.00.53@2x.png


Your dashboard shows a default summary, a simple version of the timeline and a project hierarchy to help you navigate context. The default summary block is customizable with recipes. It can turn into a list of recent risks, decisions, upcoming milestones and much more.

<aside> <img src="notion://custom_emoji/73b473c9-9304-4189-b3bb-9695ac1713e9/1436baa9-b63a-8058-aaf1-007a93141e6a" alt="notion://custom_emoji/73b473c9-9304-4189-b3bb-9695ac1713e9/1436baa9-b63a-8058-aaf1-007a93141e6a" width="40px" />

In the absence of a project hierarchy and customization, the dashboard will show a summary of the project at a high level.


Here we see the default for the Dashboard view.



Chat is the most flexible view in Tato. You can ask any question and expose project data. Just like a regular chat conversation, you can ask follow-up questions. Chats can be saved so you can get back to it at any time.

<aside> <img src="notion://custom_emoji/73b473c9-9304-4189-b3bb-9695ac1713e9/1436baa9-b63a-8058-aaf1-007a93141e6a" alt="notion://custom_emoji/73b473c9-9304-4189-b3bb-9695ac1713e9/1436baa9-b63a-8058-aaf1-007a93141e6a" width="40px" />

By default, you only chat with the data you can access with your user permissions. You can chat with all accessible data or filter with project context.


Here, we see a chat in the context of a project:

CleanShot 2024-11-20 at 17.39.53@2x.png

Event View

The event view will expose the data from an individual interaction. An event is a meeting, a chat conversation or an activity in a project management app. It is presented as a short event summary followed by a list of extracted snippets.

<aside> <img src="notion://custom_emoji/73b473c9-9304-4189-b3bb-9695ac1713e9/1436baa9-b63a-8058-aaf1-007a93141e6a" alt="notion://custom_emoji/73b473c9-9304-4189-b3bb-9695ac1713e9/1436baa9-b63a-8058-aaf1-007a93141e6a" width="40px" />

the data included in a specific event depends on its type. For example, a meeting event is limited to the duration of a call. A chat event is an entire day of chat conversation in a group chat exposed to Tato.


This example shows a meeting event.


<aside> <img src="notion://custom_emoji/73b473c9-9304-4189-b3bb-9695ac1713e9/1436baa9-b63a-8058-aaf1-007a93141e6a" alt="notion://custom_emoji/73b473c9-9304-4189-b3bb-9695ac1713e9/1436baa9-b63a-8058-aaf1-007a93141e6a" width="40px" /> 👋 Reach out with any questions [email protected]


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