

Adding Tato

Viewing your data

Manipulating your data

Interpreting your data



Data sharing & project security

Roadmap & experiments


Data sharing

Interactions are meetings, chats, emails, project management app activity, and document activity. When interactions happen, people are given access to the interaction in Tato. Having access to the interaction means that you can navigate to that interaction, but also that Search, Chat, and other product features will be using the content from those interactions.

People are given access to interactions either through direct assignment when they are participants of the interaction, or through project assignments when the interaction is tagged to a project.



When you are a participant of an interaction, Tato will automatically give you access through direct assignment.

Project security & tagging

When a project is created, people can be granted access to the project. People with access to a project, will have access to interactions that are tagged to the project.

Tagging happens automatically by Tato, using a series of evaluations. Evaluations start by checking the participants, then checking for direct references to the project, and finally checking the content with AI. The specific evaluation rules are subject to change as new scenarios are supported.

Tagging follows a reduction of scope process. The people check reduces the list of possible projects to only the projects that the participants have access to. The subsequent verifications can therefore not assign projects outside the scope of access, protecting sensitive project data.

Users permissions required

In order to access the Tato platform, team members must have an active user account. When Tato provides direct assignment to an interaction, the person will not be able to access that interaction unless an administrator enables their account.

Single tenant infrastructure

The Tato software is built to support single tenant infrastructure approach. By default, each customer gets a single tenant. Some customers have asked if they could have multiple single-tenant instances of Tato. This is possible (requires additional costs) but requires some additional setup and design for multiple agents being used by the staff. It is also possible for instances to be hosted in specific locations if a customer has specific data residency requirements. We host our services on Azure, and there are many data centers around the world that support the capabilities required to host a Tato instance.


  1. Jane is invited to a meeting with Tato. She automatically has access to it in Tato after the meeting is processed.
  2. Jane has access to a Jira ticket that is updated. When the activity is synchronized with Jira, she will automatically have access to the ticket activity in Tato.
  3. John, Jane, & Stacey are all added to the “ERP 2.0“ project in Tato. John & Jane have a meeting together and invite Tato. At the end of the meeting, John & Jane are given direct assignment permissions. Once Tato determines that the meeting is related to “ERP 2.0”, Stacey is granted access via the project.
  4. John, Jane & Stacey are all added to the “ERP 2.0” project in Tato. Gary is added to the “IOT for Packing” project. If John & Gary have a meeting (with Tato), auto-tagging will skip the people attribution check because people are involved from projects that make it inconclusive. Tato will next look for specific callouts to a project in keywords and content to determine if the call should be assigned to one project or the other within their lists of respective projects. If Tato sees no conclusive evidence of a relationship to a specific project, the meeting will not be auto-tagged and no additional people will be provided access.

<aside> <img src="notion://custom_emoji/73b473c9-9304-4189-b3bb-9695ac1713e9/1436baa9-b63a-8058-aaf1-007a93141e6a" alt="notion://custom_emoji/73b473c9-9304-4189-b3bb-9695ac1713e9/1436baa9-b63a-8058-aaf1-007a93141e6a" width="40px" /> 👋 Reach out with any questions [email protected]


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